Monday, December 7, 2009

For The Boys-There Is Nothing Like A Meatloaf

One of my guests actually said it was the best meatloaf he had ever eaten. Of course, he is in line to be my son-in-law, so his motives could be called into question. But even if his accolades were suspect, everybody else was grabbing extra slices off the platter too, so maybe it was the best.

At least it was the best I have ever made. Not that there was anything too different from any meatloaf recipe out there, but as is often the case with Julia, she takes a normal everyday recipe and makes it the best that it can be.

Her meatloaf calls for 2 pounds of lean hamburger and one pound of ground pork to be combined with 2 cups of diced onions, 2 pureed cloves of garlic, 2 eggs, 1/2 c. beef bouillon and 1 cup of bread crumbs. It also calls for 3/4 c. shredded Cheddar cheese, but The Main Eater refuses all sustenance that has been contaminated with cheese, so ours was cheese-free. I can only imagine how great it would have been if it had been included.

There are only two items that set hers apart from all the other meatloaves you have ever been subjected to. First, the onions were sauteed before being added to the mixture which mellowed them nicely. Plus I diced them in my food processor, which mulched them more than diced them, and enabled them to be totally incorporated into the fabric of the loaf. The second difference was the spices. I have always been satisfied with salt and pepper, but she also includes 2 t. each of thyme and paprika and 1 t. each oregano and allspice. The end result was a finer texture and more flavor.

Thank you Julia.

The Bottom Line
Beef and Pork Meatloaf-Thumbs Up


  1. like every meatloaf I have ever had it was instantly better when you add ketchup

  2. That sounds really good! I like meatloaf when it is simple, and it sounds like this one was.
