Monday, November 30, 2009

Sauteed Zucchini is a Hard Sell

I think almost everyone I know hates zucchini. Unfortunately they grow pretty easily around here so it gets to be hard to avoid them.

For her Grated Sauteed Zucchini recipe Julia recommends 6-8 of the 8-inchers. They need to be washed, the ends lopped off and after 10 seconds in the food processor you have a mountain of zucchini shreds. Mix 1/2 t. salt into the mountain, set it in a colander and let it "steep". Shortly it will begin to shed green water, and after 15 minutes and some gentle squeezing you will have an amazing amount.

Next add 3 T. butter to a frying pan set to high, after it begins to foam add 2 T. chopped shallots and shortly after that the zucchini. Toss them for a few minutes until just tender and serve immediately.

This recipe was okay. Of the four of us eating two refused to eat more than a micro-taste and he other two of us thought it was good enough, but it would be hard to imagine ordering it in a restaurant. However, a dish may still get a 'Thumbs Up' rating if I could imagine someone who liked the ingredients thinking it was good enough to make it again. Based on that I think it's a winner.

Grated Sauteed Zucchini-Thumbs Up


  1. I really like this dish! Although, if you didn't have a food processor (me) and didn't have that little strainer (also, me) then it would be much harder. I don't think I would ever try to make the recipe without those tools.

  2. It sounds good and easy enough. This could be the sort of Julia dish we all could make

  3. I revist my earlier post b/c I made this on Monday and it was super easy, even with a hand grater and a normal strainer!
